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I mounted my Mobius Action Cam under the battery compartment of my LaTrax Alias quadcopter. It was able to carry the extra weight no problem, and still had plenty of power to fly fast and do stunts. And there is little-to-no "jello wobble" effect in the video. I am quite happy with how the footage turned out. :)
-Flyin' Ryan
My Maiden Flight, with On-The-Fly Review Commentary:
My Stunts and Fast Forward Flight video:
My Maiden Night Flight video:
My Flying In Very High Wind video:
My video showing off a couple other features:
My Detailed Review and Indoor Flight:
Link to buy the LaTrax Alias from
Green RTF ($150) -
Blue RTF ($150) -
Red RTF ($150) -
Orange RTF ($150) -
Link to buy LaTrax Alias from Traxxas:
Green RTF ($150) -
Blue RTF ($150) -
Red RTF ($150) -
Orange RTF ($150) -
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