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Painless Python for Proficient Programmers
Alex Martelli (Google)
Python is a popular very-high-level programming language, with a clean and spare syntax, simple and regular semantics, a large standard library and a wealth of third-party extensions, libraries and tools. With several production-quality open-source implementations available, many excellent books, and growing acceptance in both industry and academia, Python can play some useful role within a huge variety of software development projects.
Moreover, Python is really easy to learn, particularly (though not exclusively) for programmers who are skilled at such languages as Java, C++ and C. This talk addresses software developers who are experienced in other languages but have had limited or no exposure to Python yet, and offers a rapid overview of the main characteristics of the language, plus a brief synopsis of its main implementations, its standard library, and Python's use with Google App Engine. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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