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CrayX just released his 'Daydreams' EP, which consists of 4 nice dnb tunes. It's pretty cool that he is just 14 years old, some sort of a musical genius, eh? :) So, this one is quite amazing, love the ambient feeling in the beginning and then the track turns out to be sweet drum & bass! Such a mellow tune.
Check out CrayX's Soundcloud, he's improving all the time and deserves more recognition. He's making same kind of dnb tracks like this one. Follow if you want and leaving some nice comments wouldn't hurt either!
Free download:
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*This video was uploaded for promotional purposes. If you enjoy the music, please support the artist(s) and label by downloading or buying the track from the link above! If you own any content in this video and would like me to take it down, please contact me (fluidified[at] and I will remove it immediately. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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