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This is a game review of the "Toy Story" game for the InnoTab. Some activities in this game are fun, some leave much to be desired. This is a game you should ask for from the grandparents. The ebook follows the story line of the Toy Story 3 movie.
This game focuses primarily on Woody and Buzz. The other characters play fill-in type of roles and never take the center stage.
Overall, I'd give this game a 3 out of 5 stars. Suggest to the child's grandparents to buy it for them. Chances are, they've seen the movie and would enjoy the look on your kid's face when he receives it. The quality of the activities in this game are above average but the game wasn't as polished as it could have been. Things like the lack of splash screens for the individual activities and the screen blacking out every now and then when it is just loading the next display. If your kid has been working on the sounds letters make, this would be helpful to him or her.
Toy Story for InnoTab on Amazon:
InnoTab 3 on Amazon:
InnoTab 3S on Amazon:
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