Google+ Platform Office Hours for April 4th 2012: Open Q&A

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We hold weekly Google+ Platform Office Hours using Hangouts On Air most Wednesdays from 11:30am until 12:15pm PST.
This week we opened the session up to your questions about the Google+ platform. Here's a list of the topics we addressed:
- 1:40 - HTTPS and hangout apps
- 4:48 - The Google+ badge on Blogger
- 6:51 - Warnings logged to the console by the +1 button
- 7:57 - +1 button count discrepancies between the button, Google Analytics and Google Webmaster Tools
- 11:04 - Using Google+ to identify users on an external website
Our starter projects include this functionality. You can find them here: /
- 14:12 - When will the feature I want be released?
- 16:05 - Redirecting your domain to your Google+ Page
Jenny mentions a blog entry about redirecting to your Google+ profile:
- 17:30 - Pulling public Google+ activity from your Google+ Page into your website
The starter projects also demonstrate this functionality: /
- 19:43 - Integrating the Google+ badge with Google Analytics tracking
Oops! Jenny mentions callbacks. She was in error. The +1 button provides callbacks but the badge does not at this time. Sorry about that.
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