Google I/O 2008 - Underneath the Covers at Google

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Underneath the Cov I/ers at Google: Current Systems and Future Directions
Jeff Dean (Google)
Over the past several years, we have built a collection of systems and tools that simplify the storing and processing of large-scale data sets, and the construction of heavily-used public services based on these data sets. These systems are intended to work well in Google's computational environment, which consists of large numbers of commodity machines connected by commodity networking hardware. Our systems handle issues like storage reliability and availability in the face of machine failures, and our processing tools make it relatively easy to write robust computations that run reliably and efficiently on thousands of machines. In this talk I'll highlight some of the systems we have built, and discuss some challenges and future directions for new systems. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.