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The Blade mQX Quadcopter is the one to blame for getting me into this hobby:
But I've been frustrated by expensive replacement parts as well as how difficult they are to get. So I've decided to experiment with a DIY scratch build using 3D printed parts as well as parts that are easy to find. Right now I'm experimenting with the following parts:
Turnigy 10 A Plush ESCs (scroll down the page a little)
iPower 1105-2 2300kV Motor
Gemfan 5030 Props
Turnigy 800mA 2S Battery
FrSky D4R-II (I just realized I forgot to include this in the video!!!)
The goal is to have a mini quad that I can fly anywhere and know that if I break anything it can be easily replaced.
I plan on documenting everything I learn in this build and will make the build list available. All the 3D part designs will be available for download on as well as on Thingiverse. I will also provide the Rhino 3D design files in case you want to tweak any of the parts.
The next step will be to purchase a power distribution board such as this one:
and get the center frame plates designed and 3D printed. I want the plates to be light, but also provide enough space to mount all electronics (flight controller, ESCs, and battery). I'll post more info when I have the plates designed.
If you have any suggestions I'd love to hear them. This is my first scratch build so I have a lot to learn.
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