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*** Update: Apparently it's just that the P term of the LEVEL PID is too high. Cleanflight 1.11 uses the Multiwii (Rewrite) controller by default instead of the Multiwii (old) that is the default for Cleanflight 1.10 and earlier. The documentation for the 'rewrite' controller says "Note that the default value for P_Level is 90. This is more than likely too high of a value for most, and will cause the model to be very unstable in Angle Mode, and could result in loss of control. It is recommended to change this value to 20 before using PID Controller 1 in Angle Mode". So while I can't claim I wasn't warned, I have to wonder why the default setting is knowingly given such a bad choice of value...
(It would also be great if we had a single set of names for these controllers instead of sometimes calling them PID2 etc and other times calling them by a name like 'Multiwii' etc.)
Having now tried Betaflight I actually found it hard to get a locked-in feel (same for luxfloat too) and the g-tune most times ended up crashing and breaking props for me. I have gone back to Cleanflight 1.10 which always feels really good right from the start and the autotune doesn't cause a crash. I'll try betaflight with my next quad of course, but for now I just want to fly and have fun, so I'll stick with 1.10 which has given me the most enjoyment so far.
*** original text:
Flight controller is a flip32. If you're wondering about the custom mixing, I also tried it as a standard QuadX mixing with very similar results. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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