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This Old House plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey and host Kevin O'Connor install a ductless heat pump to heat and cool a room.
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Steps for How to Install a Ductless Heat Pump:
1. Calculate the heat and cooling load of the space, then order the appropriate size heat pump.
2. Mount the bracket for the indoor air handler to the room wall.[BR]
3. Use a hole saw to bore a 2 5/8-inch-diameter hole through the exterior wall.
4. Insert the plastic sleeve through the hole in the wall.
5. Attach plastic conduit to the outside of the house to conceal the refrigerant lines and electrical cable.
6. Attach the metal bracket to exterior of the house for mounting the condenser unit.
7. Run an electrical cable from outside through the wall and into the room. Connect the cable to the air handler.
8. Lift the air handler up to its mounting bracket, and feed the refrigerant lines and cable through the sleeve to the outdoors.
9. Hook the air handler onto its wall-mounted bracket and secure with screws.
10. From outside, connect copper tubing to the two refrigerant lines.
11. Run the refrigerant lines and electrical cable through the plastic conduit and down to the metal bracket installed in Step 6.
12. Snap the cover onto the conduit to conceal all the lines and cable.
13. Use a tubing bender to bend the copper refrigerant lines, as needed, to reach the condenser's mounting bracket.
14 Have an electrician run a new circuit from the main electrical panel to the outside of the house right beside the condenser.
15 Connect the electrical cable to the condenser.
16 Bolt the condenser to its mounting bracket.
17 Connect the refrigerant lines to the condenser.
18 Use a remote control or wireless clock thermostat to operate the air handler, which will provide cool air in summer, and heat in the winter.
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Homeowners have a virtual truckload of questions for us on smaller projects, and we're ready to answer. Ask This Old House solves the steady stream of home improvement problems faced by our viewers—and we make house calls! Ask This Old House features some familiar faces from This Old House, including Kevin O'Connor, general contractor Tom Silva, plumbing and heating expert Richard Trethewey, and landscape contractor Roger Cook.
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How to Install a Ductless Heat Pump | Ask This Old House
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