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People with golden blood, super-vision, and no fingerprints... They sound like characters from the latest superhero movie, right? Plot twist: they are as real as you and me! People with unique your physical features exist in real life even though it’s hard to believe some of the superpowers they have are real. This video will prove how amazing humans are and how much we have yet to discover about ourselves and our bodies.
Heterochromia 0:42
Photic sneeze reflex 1:37
Unbreakable bones 2:39
Neck ribs 3:33
Double lash line 4:14
Adermatoglyphia 5:02
Golden blood 6:02
Seeing invisible colors 7:20
#humanbody #humanbones #humaneye
-Only 6 out of every 1,000 people have heterochromia, or, simply put, eyes of different colors.
-People with the photic sneeze reflex sneeze in response to bright lights. This condition affects around 18%–35% of people in the US alone and one in every 4 people in general.
-An interesting genetic mutation called LRP5 is strongly connected to the gene that regulates the production and release of protein, which, in turn, plays a crucial role in bone density and makes them unbreakable.
-One in about 500 people in the whole world has a cervical rib that arises from the 7th cervical vertebrae (more simply, your neck).
-A condition called distichiasis means you have not one lash line but 2. From a scientific perspective, it happens because of a transcription error on a person's 16th chromosome and is basically a genetic mutation.
-Only 4 extended families in the whole world have adermatoglyphia, or no fingerprints.
-Golden bloos is called Rhnull, and it's the rarest one on the planet. It has been reported that only 43 people in the whole world have it.
-The ability to see invisible colors is called tetrachromacy or tetrachromatic vision, and only 25% of people have it.
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