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Metrik + Dynamite MC live from Hospitality In The Park 2018!
Metrik's new single 'Hackers' is available to buy/stream now!
Metrik makes his return with the dangerous drum & bass weapon, ‘Hackers’. Buckle up for a rocky ride as its crunchy riff is supercharged with Metrik’s attitude and signature flair. This techy, tear-out bruiser signals Metrik’s revival to the forefront of dance music, with it already garnering support from the likes of Andy C, Wilkinson, Sub Focus and Dimension.
As a champion of the airwaves and the dancefloor, the prior BBC Radio 1 Resident has been the mastermind behind huge bangers like ‘Fatso’, ‘We Got It’, ‘Want My Love’, and ‘Tension’. He’s released two stand-out albums on Hospital Records, both reaching UK Dance chart status and is a remixer of choice for the likes of Wilkinson, DJ Fresh, Ellie Goulding, Bobby Tank and Gorgon City.
Tickets for Hospitality In The Park 2019 are on sale now!
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