Wolf Colony - Forgiven

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✖ Image by Cam Adams
✖ Lyrics:
Brush it off your shoulder
Blame it on getting older
Wrapped around your finger
Even when you're gone you linger
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't make my mind up
Don't wanna give it up
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't keep my mind shut
Don't wanna give it up
This is it, do or die, it's decision time
I have learned that love is a compromise
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't make my mind up
Don't wanna give it up
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't keep my mind shut
Don't wanna give it up
Don't say yes, I keep telling myself
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't make my mind up
Don't wanna give it up
You say that, you have made me
But I have, I have made you too
You say that, you can break me
But I can, I can break you too
But I won't, you are Forgiven
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't make my mind up
Don't wanna give it up
All I need is a chance to forgive it
I can't keep my mind shut
Don't wanna give it up
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