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The Freewing T-45's climb rate, roll rate, top speed, and overall agility are virtually identical to the Freewing Stinger 90 jet. With speed brakes, flaps, and slats deployed, the T-45 can land at a slow jogging pace and is the most stable of all Freewing's large jets in the landing pattern. The T-45 cruises at 50% throttle and we measured an average top speed of 90mph in level flight after a slight dive. With mixed throttle, an Admiral 6s 5000 mAh 50c battery gives 3-4 minutes of flight, like other Freewing 90mm jets. With its scale landing gear, lights, and other details, the Freewing 90mm T-45 Goshawk will be the gem of any RC pilot's foam jet fleet and offers pilots an easier flight experience than some of the other Freewing 90mm jets.For product info please visit: / is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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