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Editor's note: The real-time stream of Apollo 11 from has ended. Thank you for joining us!
Follow NASA's historic Apollo 11 moon landing mission in real time as it happened 50 years ago in July 1969 with this epic livestream from Ben Feist of!
Source: /
Ben Feist painstakingly stitched together NASA audio files, transcripts, Mission Control loops, images and video to create an immersive experience for the Apollo 11 mission. To experience the interactive elements firsthand, visit /
For the story behind Feist's ApolloinRealTime site, read:
Key dates:
Liftoff: July 16, 1969; 9:32 a.m. EDT (1332 GMT)
Lunar Orbit Arrival: July 19, 1969, 1:21 p.m. EDT (17:21 GMT)
Moon Landing: July 20, 4:17 p.m. EDT (2017 GMT)
Liftoff from the moon: July 21, 1969, 1:54 p.m. EDT (17:54 GMT)
Lunar Orbit Departure: July 22, 1969, 12:55 a.m. EDT (04:55 GMT)
Splashdown: July 24, 1969; 12:50 p.m. EDT (1650 GMT)
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