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Are you worried about giving your fingerprints when you get a new passport, for example? This procedure gives your unique info to the authorities, that’s true. But did you know there are many other parts of your body that can give your identity away as surely as your fingertips?
Did you ever think, for example, that your toe prints are unique, too?. Some scientists even think that toe printing is a better way to collect biometric data about an individual because toe patterns are less likely to be erased. So, guys, those of you in the Witness Protection Program will really want to watch this. And the rest of you can also check it out.
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Tongue 0:29
Teeth 1:14
Irises 2:09
Ears 2:59
Periocular region 3:53
Toe prints 4:40
Lip patterns 5:14
Retina of the eye 5:48
Scent 6:22
Voice 7:02
Gait 7:37
Palms 8:27
DNA 9:12
#humanbody #bodyparts #brightside
- Your tongue has its own texture, just like your fingertips, and the patterns on it are yours and yours alone.
- On the topic of your mouth, there’s another part (or rather, parts) of it that’s unique. You might have heard that the last resort, when a person is unidentifiable, is their teeth.
- Irises are inevitable on this list because they’re so unique, even your left one is different from your right one.
- You can be sure that no one has the same shape of ears as you. Scientists from the UK have even developed a method of identifying a person by measuring the reflection of light off the curves inside the ears.
- Your periocular region is the area just around the eyes that includes the bridge of your nose and your eyebrows. Scientists say this is a very reliable way to identify someone even without sophisticated equipment.
- Your mouth gives you away. Those tiny crisscrosses on your lips act like the patterns on your fingers. Actually, lip prints have already been used in the US courts to prove guilt!
- In sci-fi and action movies, you’ve probably seen retinal scanners. These things do exist, because your retina is indeed unique.
- There are numerous factors that affect your smell, from the stuff you eat to the soap you wash with, but there’s a primary scent that’s unique for you and doesn’t change with environment.
- No one will be surprised by voice recognition technology today, but it’s still worth mentioning since your voice is yours alone. Part of what it’s about is already within you from birth, like pitch and volume, but other traits are learned.
- Gait recognition has been among the main ways to identify a person for nearly a decade now. And with emergence of advanced smartphone technology, it’s become much easier to do so.
- The patterns on your palms are unique for you. The trouble with identifying a person by the palms is quite obvious, though: we much more often touch things with our fingers, not with full hands, so it’s easier to take fingerprints rather than hand prints.
- Scientists have been searching for the keys to the DNA for quite some time now and still haven’t uncovered all its secrets. Still, this molecule can be found in almost any kind of tissue or fluid of your body.
Music by Epidemic Sound /
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