Sigaram Thodu - Scenu Scenu Video | Vikram Prabhu | D. Imman

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Watch ‘Scenu Scenu’ Official Song Video from the Movie Sigaram Thodu. Vikram Prabhu grooves in this fun song, teasing Monal Gajjar for her hi-fi style song, sung by Aranarai Natraj & Tha Prophecy with quirk lyrics by Gana Bala. Does he manage to impress her? Find out!
Song Name - Scenu Scenu
Movie - Sigaram Thodu
Singer - Aranarai Natraj & Tha Prophecy
Music - D. Imman
Lyrics - Gana Bala
Director - Gaurav
Starring - Vikram Prabhu, Monal Gajjar
Producer - Ronnie Screwvala, Siddharth Roy Kapoor
Studio - UTV Motion Pictures
Music Label - Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.
© 2014 Sony Music Entertainment India Pvt. Ltd.
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