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Today on In Case You Missed It: An exoskeleton to mimic the effects of aging is teaching empathy and also, helping engineers develop technology to help older people. 3D-printed medication is officially happening, now that the U.S. FDA has given its approval to a drug manufacturer. And the world’s biggest plane is being built which is intended to launch satellites into orbit.
And from our opening welcome: Did you hear about the study that says indoor air conditioning is calibrated to men’s bodies from the 1960’s and that’s why many women freeze at work? Our bodies are just different. If only there were a tech solution to this basic problem (looking at you, smarty pants engadget readers).
If you come across any interesting videos, we’d love to see them. Just tweet us with the #ICYMI hashtag @engadget or @mskerryd.
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•“In Case You Missed It” (aka #ICYMI) is a daily clip show designed to dig up the offbeat and interesting stories that get buried by the biggest headlines. We'll bring you space and tech news, as well as internet lifestyle funk, and we'll round out each week's show with a headline blast to bring you the big stories you might have missed.
• “Dear Veronica” is an advice show for the modern era. Every week, Veronica Belmont will tackle questions from the audience on topics ranging from technology to social etiquette (and everything in between). is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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