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This transmitter can be used with most RC protocol receivers. So not matter if your aircraft uses Frsky, Flysky, DSM2, etc.. you can fly it. Even works with many toy aircraft. Find it here
And if you're interested in wholesale inquiries, see .
And here is the Official Jumper Facebook group
- 16 channel transmitter with throttle, yaw, pitch, roll, 6 three position switches, 2 two position switches, 2 dial knobs, and 2 slide switches. Additionally includes 6 button switches for programmable flight control boards such as APM or Pixhawk.
- Includes dual bearing adjustable gimbals.
- Large lighted color screen.
- Can be used with JumperTX or OpenTX firmware (Comes loaded out of the box with JumperTX).
- Jumper JP4in1 multi protocol module is included and installed to the transmitter. JR/FrSKY compatible module bay also enables easy installation of additional multi-protocol modules if desired. Is also TBS Crossfire compatible.
- At 888 grams, it's not lightweight. But it does come with a neckstrap.
- The scrollwheel of this early version of the T16 can break easily if you push down too hard. However according to Jumper, this wheel has been redesigned to make it less fragile.
- There is a large learning curve for both learning the JumperTX software, along with the transmitter's navigation buttons and what they do. Unfortunately no user manual is included to help mitigate this curve.
Affiliate links: At no cost to you, I do receive a small commission for sales resulting from these links.
This video along with every video of the Quadcopter 101 channel was produced and edited with VSDC Free Video Editor. You may download this excellent, and no kidding "free" video editor here
"Awel" by stefsax
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