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This week on Maker Update, a Jedi-worthy lightsaber, Kickstarter’s test print, an iFixit giveaway, a musical dodecahedron, sound bending, disc shooting, MIDI motors, and stringy plotters.
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++Show Notes++
-=Project of the Week=-
Prop-Maker Lightsaber by Ruiz Bros.
Autodesk and Kickstarter Develop a Free, Downloadable Universal Test Print for 3D Printers
On GitHub
iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit
iFixit Manta Driver Kit
iFixit Essential Electronics Toolkit
Rules for Entry:
Get on my email Maker Update list () and (using your same email address) email me ([email protected]) with something you want to fix or make or tinker on with one of these kits. I'l use my best judgement to pick 3 worthy winners who will receive one of the three kits.
-=More Projects=-
Bucky Touch: Light-up Dodecahedron Instrument by jbumstead
Sound Bending Synth by lonesoulsurfer
Disc-o-matic by Canino
Magnetic knife rack alligator clip collector by Colleen Graves
Finishing 3D Prints by Bob Clagett
Send MIDI to motors, lights and relays
DIY Linear Servo Actuator, 3D Printed by Potent Printables
Gareth's Tips of the Week
StringyPlotter by Thomas Winningham
-=Maker Faires=-
Find a Faire near you:
Jerusalem Israel
Hyderabad India
Belo Horizonte Brazil
Orlando, Florida USA
Sindelfingen Germany
Salzburg Austria
-=Featured Makers=-
++John Park++
Talking about:
Ep. 29
Scraperite Plastic Razor Blades
++Sophy Wong++
Talking about:
Ep. 82
++Mark Frauenfelder++
Talking about:
Ep. 74
Becky Stern Tinkercad Circuits Interview
++Dominic Morrow++
Talking about:
Ep. 10
Billy Bass Instructable
++Amped Atelier++
Talking about:
Ep. 94
Penolopy Bulnick Interview
++Mikeasaurus (Mike Warren)++
Talking about:
Ep. 56
CANARY Corrugated Cardboard Cutter
++Noe and Pedro Ruiz++
Talking about: Making for others!
Check out #makevember and contribute your projects.
Maker Update is a weekly video series that comes out every Wednesday morning, covering news, projects, tips, and events that will interest the maker and DIY community.
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