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Ryan Sandes and Ryno Griesel smashed records on their 1504 km run across the Great Himalaya Trail overcoming a mixture of challenges including frost bite, injury and sleep deprivation.
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On March 25, 2018, shortly after sunrise local time, Ryan Sandes and Ryno Griesel touched the border of Nepal and officially finished their Fastest Known Time (FKT) attempt of the Great Himalaya Trail – smashing Andrew Porter’s 2016 record of the same route by three days. Running a total of 1,504 km in a total of 25d 4h 24m, Ryan and Ryno set a new FKT record.
Over the course of 25 days, the two runners battled and overcame a mixture of challenges including frost bite, injury, sleep deprivation, and, in the last days, a violent gang. That said, together they pushed themselves forward, brought together by their equally fierce determination to power through and complete the epic run.
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