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“Don’t look back!” She said, clinging to The Bearded Man on the back of his motorcycle as they sped down the freeway at near 250km/h. “Honey, I don’t really mean to argue the semantics of this particular point with you, but you see, it would be somewhat of an inconvenience to look back when operating this motorized, two-wheeled vehicle. I mean, even if I wanted to, with you on the back, it would be pretty difficult to look…” He was just about to finish his rambling sentence when she was suddenly lifted off the back by a low flying jet/helicopter high speed, ultra-secret military something or other. Two men in suits, attached to the aircraft by wire had grabbed her. Some nights ago, the pair had met at a casino in Monte Carlo. The Bearded Man clearly didn’t realize at first that she was a Bond-level secret agent. Well, the police stopped chasing him once they had the girl in their posession, and that was the last he saw of her. Of course he wasn’t going to try to find her, because that would just be insane.
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