YouTube GOLD: (the Prep) VOLVO A40G Articulating Dump / Rock Truck 2019 (1/14 scale) | RC ADVENTURES

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NO Gold Mine can move the proper amount of pay dirt without the right equipment. Though we had several dump trucks in season 1 of "YouTube GOLD" (2018), as I prepare for mining in 2019 .. I cant help but think we missed the mark simply because of not having the right equipment. We have learned a lot in our first year... and much like Todd Hoffman want to get as much equipment as possible. There is no way we can fail. Even MORE Expensive Equipment means way more Gold.. Right?! (If you do not get this joke, please watch Season 1 of "YouTube GOLD": ) Like any show, it starts as a concept.. and works its way into some amazing creativity.
(The Battery I used: Gens Ace 5000mAh 11.1V 3S 50C 3 Cell LiPo Battery Pack: Get one directly here:
To view other GensAce Lipo Batteries and Products visit: /)
I bought this truck online at Aliexpress. It was a limited run, and I do not know the manufacturer. I ordered it and had to wait about 6 weeks before shipping. I believe that this machine is mostly hand made.. and truly is a nice work of art. There are a few things I am learning about it still.. but have the basic grasp of it. Overall I am very happy with what I see. Unfortunately, there is SO MUCH SNOW outside right now.. that we have to admire and practice with this inside only for the day.
The radio that is being used with this model is a Flysky FSi6 10 channel radio. It is VERY AWESOME and is only $58.00! I have many of them.. I really like them.
(The Floor Tape I use is: Gator Grip : SG3902YB Premium Grade High Traction Non Slip 60 Grit Indoor Outdoor Colored Anti-Slip Tape, 2 Inch x 60 Foot, Yellow/Black:
I think it's only right my 5 year old son gets to take the first hand at the controls. Its usually the most inexperienced operator that gets stuck on rock truck.. so he is the obvious choice for this mission. He does pilot it like a boss, I might add! I sure love being a Father. I think the gift of seeing a little human grow up is just too cool. My goal is to teach him to be better at everything than I am. At least give him the opportunity to learn and discover many different things in his life. What better way than to let him drive a BiG YELLOW DUMP TRUCK!
We plan on firing up the mine site somewhere in April, weather allowing.. but until then, we have plenty of practice to get in!
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