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Ranging from atmospheric clubs in the underground scene to gargantuan beach parties all over the world, Deep House music has seen it all in the past few years. The genre’s rise is as explosive as it is remarkable, paving the way for some of today’s finest tunes to hit the global charts in quick succession. Curious to discover what tunes possess that kind of potential? Here they are, in one all-encompassing selection.
Comprising 25 grandiose Deep House songs to support the previous statement, the Armada Deep House Selection brings the finest beats and chords directly to your ears. Installment number 11 is embellished by creations from the likes of Robin Schulz, Freischwimmer, Jan Blomqvist, Tube & Berger, and more, just to give you a clear image of what Deep House music has to offer. Plunge into this selection and you’ll soon find yourself engulfed by the sweetest rhythms and the most marvelous of atmospheres. You can thank us later!
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