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This video is brought to you by Desperados Inner Tequila Studios in partnership with UKF.
The Prototypes take us through The Evolution of the Drop in Drum & Bass by picking out huge tunes from across the scene, from classic anthems to the freshest tracks.
This summer, Desperados and UKF are on a mission, to go in search of the ultimate drop. The Evolution of the Drop is a three-part mini-series with key artists in different scenes taking us through seminal tracks and how they show the evolution of the drop in that genre. TQD took us through UK Bass drops (), SKisM guided us through the most influential dubstep drops (), and The Prototypes bring us the latest episode right here.
We also be brought you a series of music videos showcasing the power of the drop:
TQD - Ghosts
Myro - Playa
The Prototypes - Transmission
More info:
Playlist of the featured tracks:
Intro/background music: Cartoon - Why We Lose (Instrumental)
The Prototypes:
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