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An interview with NAO, hosted by Lizzy Plapinger
NAO calls her music “wonky funk,” which is a cheeky description of her soulful electronic innovations. The East Londoner (real name: Neo Jessica Joshua) puts an energetic spin on the sounds that have inspired her, from hip-hop and house to Aretha Franklin and Prince. She trained as a jazz vocalist and then went pro, working as a backup singer for Jarvis Cocker and Kwabs and performing with the Boxettes, an all-female a cappella outfit. She gained lots of ground when she stepped into the spotlight as a singer-producer in 2014 with the release of her 'So Good' EP, and her profile soared when she sang on Disclosure's 'Caracal.' Her debut album, 'For All We Know,' was hailed by the UK press as one of the best releases of 2016. Lizzy Plapinger hooked up with NAO in Brooklyn and discussed her creative process, running her own record label – and how she coined the term “wonky funk.”
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