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See The 7 Best Kids Bowling Sets on Ezvid Wiki ►►
Fact #1. Bowling is one of the oldest games in existence. Artifacts indicate people in ancient Egypt and Rome played some version of the game. They used balls made from grain husks covered in leather and string. Some balls have been found that were made of porcelain. The leather balls were thrown at the targets while the porcelain balls were rolled along the ground.
Fact #2. The creation of kids bowling sets has only served to spread the popularity and love of the game to future generations. Once upon a time, it was illegal in England for the common man to bowl. Nowadays, anyone can enjoy a version in the comfort of their own home.
Fact #3. A bowling set can be used as an educational tool. Because these sets come in fun colors, you can use them to teach your child how to recognize colors and create patterns. You can also teach subtraction with each throw by pointing out how many pins fell and how many are left standing.
Fact #4. Simply learning to roll the ball toward the pins can improve hand-eye coordination and overall motor skills. Many kids bowling sets come equipped with a ball with holes or indentations that allow for easy gripping. The game can also foster a sense of sportsmanship. Your child will learn patience and how to take turns with siblings or other children.
Fact #5. Bowling is a fun way to exercise. Even though a bowling set in the living room isn't like playing at the lanes, it can still get your little one moving. It's especially fun on those rainy or snowy days when outdoor play isn't an option. Make sure to teach your child how to stretch before playing. While bowling is a leisurely activity, it's still exercising. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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