Snow Day - Littlest Pet Shop Chilly Weather Fun Playset LPS Rolleroos

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Snow Day Fun! Baby it's really cold outside! So lets go play! This is the Chilly Weather playset that comes with fun Littlest Pet Shop pets and accessories! It's so much fun to play, so come join me as this polar bear plays in the frozen snow with these rolleroos!
Pets in this playset:
#3210 Polar Bear
#3211 Bunny Friend Rolleroos
#3212 Penguin Friend Rolleroos
#3213 Husky Friend Rolleroos
#3214 Polar Bear Friend Rolleroos
Yay 2013 Wave 9 My Little Pony Blind Bags HAUL opening.
Let's treat ourselves by flip 'n and frost 'n some play doh cookies!:
Jinafire Long, the daughter of the Chinese Dragon, from Monster High. This doll is drop dead (really) gorgeous! Heads will turn for sure when this gal shows up to school this scaremester.
Make your very own Hostess Cupcake treats for your LPS or My Little Pony, or even your Monster High dolls.
Watch the unboxing of the Robot Alien NoviStars doll:
Christina's mom has some new's...... she is having a baby!!! Is Christina happy about being a big sister? Find out:
Check out my other popular videos!!!
Here Are the Cheat codes to the popular LPS Party Stylin Pets Blind Bags new for 2014:
NEW Littlest Pet Shop Party Stylin' Pets Blind Bags! These are wave 2 for 2014. Here is the whole collection of pets for you to add to your collection:
I have the cheat codes for the NEW LPS Blind Bags Paint Splashin' Pets Littlest Pet Shop Wave 1 for 2014 here:
The weather is getting warmer out there... sounds like ice cream weather to me. Make yummy, cool, ice cream treats for your LPS, My Little Ponies and other toys and dolls.
Using the Play Doh Magic Swirl Ice Cream maker I made cupcakes, donuts, cookies,waffle bars, gummy bears and green oreo cookies! The sweetest treats for your sweetest pets LPS pets! Come join all the fun:
Twilight from My Little Pony is teaching an art class of Littlest Pet Shop students and they have to use play doh. Watch the fun video here:
Also, watch the blind bag opening of the LPS Candy Swirl Dream collection Narwhal:
Watch the blind bag opening of the Lego Series 11 mountain man:
Want more LPS videos! Watch here to see what happens when the pets take a tip to the beach:
Subscribe to keep up with all the fun!!!!
You will find lots of videos on Littlest Pet Shop LPS, My Little Pony MLP, Lego, Barbie dolls, Monster High, NoviStars dolls, Play Doh, Squinkies, Build A Bear and much muchy more!!! Everything form stories, movies, playset toy reviews, hauls, blind bag openings, and everything in between! is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user, if you have any question about video removal, what was shared by open community, please contact directly or report bad/not working video links directly to video owner on Removed video from will also be removed from here.