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Thank you my chocolate chip cookies for all your love a support!!!!
Wow mini Barbie mermaid doll has the most beautiful purple and hot pink colors on her tail. She also comes with a baby pink colored pearl bathtub and a purple pet turtle to swim and play with.
Toddler Princess Elsa loves her baby sister, little Princess Anna. Maybe Princess Elsa can help Princess Anna stop crying.
The Queen of Arendelle takes baby Princess Elsa out of the castle to explore the town (this is before Princess Anna was born). They run into baby Kristoff and his mother and Baby Elsa's Frozen powers get out of control.
Keep watching to see baby Anna!
Mommies- my new littlest pet shop series about bringing a new life into this world and the familys that may or my not welcome them home.
New Old style bobble head pets are back! Here are the new 2014 Littlest Pet Shop Pets that have been released.
New old style pets with bobbleheads are released!!!! New Littlest Pet Shop Mommy and Baby sets! Mom and Babies are soo cute.
Mega Blind Bag opening HAUL, Littlest Pet Shop!
NEW Littlest Pet Shop Party Stylin' Pets Blind Bags! These are wave 2 for 2014.
Here are the Cheat Codes for the Party Stylin Blind Bags too! Now you can pick any pet you want to add to your collection. Watch here:
I have the cheat codes for the NEW LPS Blind Bags Paint Splashin' Pets Littlest Pet Shop Wave 1 for 2014 here:
If you like this video of Littlest Pet Shops check out my other popular videos!!!
Christina's mom has some new's...... she is having a baby!!! Is Christina happy about being a big sister? Find out!
Mommies- my new littlest pet shop series about bringing a new life into this world and the familys that may or my not welcome them home.
New toy review opening of the Littlest Pet Shop Husky and Friends. Item #3235 and #3236 from the LPS Pets & Rolleroos Friends set:
If you are hungry for more LPS they check out all of these yummy play doh Saint Patrick's day treats we made:
Twilight from My Little Pony is teaching an art class of Littlest Pet Shop students and they have to use play doh. Watch the fun video here:
Also, watch the blind bag opening of the LPS Candy Swirl Dream collection Narwhal:
Watch the blind bag opening of the Lego Series 11 mountain man:
DIY playdoh ice cream cones! Make summer sweet treats for your Littlest Pet shop, My little pony and other dolls with my easy do it your self. Click here:
Want more LPS videos! Watch here to see what happens when the pets take a tip to the beach:
Subscribe to keep up with all the fun!!!!
You will find lots of videos on Littlest Pet Shop LPS, My Little Pony MLP, Lego, Barbie dolls, Play Doh, Squinkies, Build A Bear and much muchy more!!! Everything form stories, movies, playset toy reviews, hauls, blind bag openings, and everything in between! is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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