RUDE BOYZ TTC 2018 - Eps 2 - SWAMP RUN - Scale 4x4 Truck Challenge | RC ADVENTURES

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#RUDEBOYZRC #TTC #2018 Smells Like a Swamp! You Know WHY? Because its a FRiGGEN SWAMP! These 1/10th scale trucks are being pushed to the limit in muskeg and bog land. Tested on precarious edges, and peat bogs that want to suck them down forever - these drivers are pitted against tight gates, axle hangers, and trip zones like few of us have ever witnessed before. This was some treacherous terrain that I had to fumble my way over and across, as these drivers made their way from gate to gate, trying to not accumulate any points..and to be as fast as possible.
This is our 9th Year of filming #tinytrucks in action - pitted against other trucks from around our area. The hill climb is designed to test more than 45 trucks, their ability - and their drivers ability. It is a very steep climb, testing 1/10th scale trail trucks such as the #Axial SCX10 4x4, the #RC4WD Trail Finder 2, the Axial Wraith, Deadbolt, SCX10.2, #Gmade Komodo, #Vaterra Ascenders, #Traxxas TRX4's and MORE!
Jem and Maurice are on hand this year for some competitive challenges - and both of them are excited to put on a good show!
A HUGE SHOUT OUT TO KRAZY JOE and the RUDE BOYZ RC CLUB for putting on another memorable and fun event. Indian Graves was a beautiful place to see.. and to camp out at! These guys put in so much work every year to entertain as many RC ADDiCTS as they can.. and I commend them on an extensive effort. Everyone is smiling, and having fun. Truly, a tremendous feat! Also, Thank You for Everyone who attended and allowed me to be close to your RC's with my camera. I hope this series of upcoming videos captures some of your own GREAT RC ADVENTURES!
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