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If your FC comes with a 4-in-1 plug (like the HelioSpring or the JBF4), then that's the best way to connect a 4-in-1 ESC to the FC. Using the 4-in-1 plug saves a ton of soldering and makes replacement of FC or ESC easy.
Here's the problem: the plugs on FCs and ESCs are usually not compatible. You can't just plug in your FC and ESC and expect it to work. It may even fry the FC or ESC!
So let's learn how to connect FC to ESC using a 4-in-1 plug. And we'll use the Heliospring and the DALRC Engine as example.
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Purchase the HelioRC Spring Flight Controller here:
* RaceDayQuads -
* ReadyMadeRC -
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* Rotor Riot Store -
DALRC Engine BLHeli_32 ESC
* GetFPV -
* Banggood -
* RaceDayQuads -
* ReadyMadeRC -
SH Cable Assortment so you can make your own cables easily
* RaceDayQuads -
* ReadyMadeRC -
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