Redemption Day (Chi Might II); Sina feat Johnny Kovacs

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Let's get progressive! The darkest song of the album features Johnny Kovacs, vocalist of 'Tyler Leads', a highly energetic Band that we played a couple of gigs with together all through 2018:
Tyler Leads on Facebook: /
Johnny Kovacs - vocals
Mike Wilbury - guitars, bass, sitar
Sina - keyboards, drums
Music written by Sina & Mike
The song is based on a poem of Leander Kulms:
Redemption Day
Bright Sun burning, boiling dust
Smoking buildings, there's no trust
Strange lone species everywhere
But faith and hope are seen nowhere
Like a million zombies left for dead
What we gained is far and spread
And now the ash is full of bones
Castles left with burning Thrones
Lot'o graves, but noone sings
Crosses big, but no god brings
Redemption for the souls around
crops that fouled upon the land
No harvest nor a farmers hand
And hunger grows amongst all tribes
Long hard days but even longer nights
Burning feet on burning ice
For this game there is no price
Laying there in The Grim Reapers bay,
The price we paid, who can say?
Waiting for redemption day
You can follow Leander on Instagram or Facebook
If you want to be involved in funding the album, please join me on Patreon and you will be one of the first to hold a copy in your hands :)
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