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The DTFc flight controller from Rotorgeeks combines an F3 flight controller with a PDB. It can run Cleanflight or Betaflight. This product would be fantastic for any build where space is at a premium. The DTFc contains a current sensor, so you can get current telemetry with no additional hardware (assuming you have a telemetry system set up of course). If you want an OSD, the DTFc is compatible with OSDoge.
The DTFc contains a different IMU (gyro) chip than most boards on the market today. On paper, its specs are on par with the MCU6000 and 6050, which are the gold standard for multirotors at least in the current market. But some people have reported glitches, which leads to two conclusions. First, there is something else going on other than just paper specs that is leading to these glitches. And second, soft-mounting an FC is always a good idea. is not the owner of this text/video/image/photo content, the real source of content is and user declared in this page publication as user,
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