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Lap Timing is key to going fast. Freestyle pilots--this video ain't for you. Go enjoy your flippy floppy "artistic expression" out in a field somewhere. This video is for people who NEED to know whether they're 1/10th of a second faster or slower than the last time.
The ImmersionRC LapRF Lap Timer allows timing of up to 8 pilots accurately, and with no additional hardware needed on the quad. When combined with LiveTime software, it makes for a total event management system, from setup, through running heats, to showing results after the race.
If you don't need a full event-timing system, the LapRf Personal Race Timing System provides a more affordable way for a few pilots to compete.
BUT WAIT. Aren't there cheap, open-source versions of the same thing? How do they compare?
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ImmersionRC LapRF Personal Race Timing System
* ReadyMadeRC -
* GetFPV -
ImmersionRC LapRF 8-Way Race Timing System
* GetFPV -
* ReadyMadeRC -
LiveTime Scoring Engine:
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