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How to Get Enough Sleep for Your Age. People usually think that 7–8 hours of sleep is enough, but that's not always the case. In fact, the number of hours you need to enjoy proper sleep depends and stay healthy depends on your age. Follow some simple rules to restore energy and get the most out of your recharge time.
What happens when you experience a lack of sleep 1:09
If you constantly feel sleepy, are easily irritated, feel exhausted during the day, or often yawn, you most likely suffer from sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep also increases the risk of developing the following problems and diseases: exhaustion, depression, changes in hormone function, cardiovascular diseases, visual impairment, and diabetes.
How much sleep is needed for your age 3:44
Scientists have established the connection between age and the required number of hours a person needs to have a good night’s sleep. Newborns 0–3 months old need about 14–17 hours of sleep daily. If you're the parent of a 1- or 2-year-old toddler, make sure they sleep for no less than 11–14 hours every day. Kids from 6 to 13 years old still need more sleep than adults: 9–11 hours. Young adults of 18–25 years old need less sleep: just 7–9 hours every day. The same can be said about adults between 26 and 64 years of age: 7–9 hours are enough for them to rest. Elderly people older than 65 sleep even less: 7–8 hours a day.
Each person has individual needs, which may change these numbers. People who are sick, stressed, or, on the contrary, extremely active need more sleep to recharge.
How to get enough sleep and feel refreshed every day 5:36
Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. A fixed schedule will regulate your body clock. Don't overeat, have tonic drinks before bed, and avoid cigarettes and alcohol. Create a cozy and comfortable atmosphere in your bedroom. The temperature in the room shouldn't be higher than 75ºF. A short walk in the fresh air before going to bed will help you fall asleep more quickly. Try not to use gadgets before going to bed, and turn off electrical appliances at night. Even if you aren't tired, you still need to go to bed at the same time every day. If you're lucky, you'll fall asleep after a short while.
Lack of sleep 1:09
Age and sleep 3:44
Sleep improvement 5:36
-Being sleep deprived negatively affects the quality of future bouts of sleep. Not getting enough sleep weakens your immune system and can have serious consequences. Your emotional state can also be affected by a lack of sleep.
-Scientists have established the connection between age and the required number of hours a person needs to have a good night’s sleep. The older a person is, the smaller amount of sleep recovery they need.
-Fall asleep and wake up at the same time every day. Don't overeat or have tonics at night. Choose a comfortable bed and quality bedding. Try not to use gadgets before going to bed, and turn off electrical appliances at night. Avoid naps if you have problems with sleep.
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