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Ever wondered what it would be like adapting to new goggles, how long does it take, is it worth the effort?
We purchased these a couple of weeks ago but couldn’t risk Thomas moving to them because he had a number of races and the qualifier time trial for the Australian Nationals.
We wanted to do the adaption via some form of measurable way and since we’d done the Aussie Nationals Track so many times, we measured it out and started testing. The hope was to get down to low times of 7.5 seconds per lap and hoped this would occur in about 10 packs or so.
After 4 packs Thomas was pretty much down to the 7.5 second laps and but still wasn’t 100% comfortable with them, but noted way more detail in the image. So even after this first day of flying with them it appears as though adapting to them shouldn’t take too long at all.
If you’re buying these goggles note that the main reason for upgrading is the OLED Display i.e. better dynamic range and contrast. Almost everything else has stayed the same with these, Still no power button, the micro SD card is a pain to get out etc
Anyway I hope you enjoyed our adaption testing with the HDO
FatShark HDO Goggles
Image of the Track Dimensions
ImpulseRC Helix ZX5 Squish Prototype
T-Motor F40 Pro II 2600 KV
T-Motor ESCs F30A 2-6S
TBS Crossfire Micro Bundle
ImpulseRC FC & VTX
TBS Triumph Antenna (Full Size)
HQ 5.1x4.6x3 V3
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Foxeer HS1177 Camera - 2.1mm Lens
- - - - - - - -
ImpulseRC Helix Available through:
FPV Camera
FMR 4S 1550 mah Pack
Mission Foods - Racing Fuel
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