Cont/Burst current:20A/30A
Max power:380w
Battery cell:2-6 lipo
Flashed with SimonK firmware (v2013.5.15)
Use new generation of the MOSFETs to make sure the ESC low heating and high
Spider series ESCs are especially designed to meeting the demand of ever popular muliti-rotors. Spider ESCs carry the features and workmanship of ZTW's products as always, stable and reliable.
Based on the Simonk firmware, no need any configutation.
Supports high RPM motors,can be matched with most of the motors in the RC market
Super smooth and accurate throttle linearity
Super fast refresh rate up to 400HZ
Extreamly low internal resistence.
Spider ESC manual: Download
Package Include:
1 x ZTW Spider 20A ESC