Universal Joystick For Alexmos 8/32 Bits Basecam 2/3 Axis Gimbal Controller Speical for 25mm Tube

Size: 48 x 40 x 35mm
Weight: 21g
Cable length: 900mm
Bolt hole dimensions: 3.3mm dia 32 x 32mm
A Type
5V Input
With reset buttom
Suit for Alexmos 8bit/32bit gimbal controller
2 dof voltage output
Special for 25mm tube
The joystick with 1000mm wire in 6 pins
B Type
5V Input
With reset buttom
Suit for Alexmos 8bit/32bit gimbal controller
2 dof voltage output
with 500mm wire in 6 pins.
Package Included
1 x Joystick Controller