RTF Hug ESC 12AMP 2-3s Simonk Rapid ESC For RC Quadcopters

RTF HugESC were developed to hug your multicopter frame, maximizing performance, so you can kiss your racing foes goodbye.Featuring ultra light weight construction with excellent thermal properties for an ESC - the MOSFETS are specifically selected to run SimonK with the least amount of heat production and highest efficiency.Users will need to install wires.
All Nfets (bsnfet.hex)
12Amp constant with 15Amp burst (In good air flow)
2 and 3S Capable (no 4S please)
Ultra light weight 1.5g PCB.Couple more grams with all motors and power wires.
400hz and 490hz compatible - DJi, naze32, cc & MultiWii tested with mni motors to 25,000rpm
Packing Included:
1× 12AMP Simonk Rapid ESC