RC lipo Safty Bag/Lipo Gurad Bag For Charging Small 64*50*95m

Item Name:RC li-po battery safe/guard charge bag small 64*50*95mm
Usage:For stopping and containing any fire caused by incorrectly charging or poorly functioning lipo packs
- The safest way to charge and store your lipos.
- Protect your workshop, family and home from the hazard of lip
-The LIPO SAFE is intended to reduce the chances of damage o charging.
- This is a fireproof bag, designed to stop and contain any fire caused by incorrectly charging or poorly functioning lipo packs.
-Never leave charging battery unattended.
-Always ensure the battery is on a non-flammable surface.
-Ensure flap is sealed while charging.
Pacakge Include:
1 x safe guard charge bag small 64*50*95mm