Race32 Racing Flight Controller STM32 F303 MPU6050 with White Box

Specifications:User Manual
STM32F303 CPU with FPU 256kB flash
8MB (64Mbit) High-Capacity Flash
MPU6050 accelerometer/gyro
MS5611 barometer (Deluxe only)
HMC5983 magnetometer (Compass Sensor, Deluxe only)
Micro USB socket
2x 6pin JST-SH sockets (PWR,GPS/I2C)
1x 8pin JST-SH sockets (PPM,PWM,5V,GND)
1x 10pin JST-SH sockets (ESC/Servo connections, 5V, GND)
4x 3pin though-holes for pin headers for ESC/Servo connections
1x 2pin though-holes for pin headers for buzzer
1x 3pin JST-ZH sockets (sat.DSM)
36x36mm board with 30.5mm mounting holes
5 grams
Hybrid plug setup, JST plugs and through holes for pin connectors. No compromise on ports. Full feature support of all modules, all at the same time.Black box flight log recorder - high capacity on-board storage for easy tuning optimization, flight replay, and troubleshooting.Next-generation STM32 F3 processor with faster ARM-Cortex M4 core with floating point hardware unit for efficient flight calculations. Loop times are up to twice as fast as previous-generation STM32F1 based boards.
Stackable design - perfect for integrating with OSDs and power distribution boards.All plugs are located on the same side of the board for a more space-efficient design.4 PWM 3Pin though-holes connectors, 8 PWM JST Plug for ESCs, Servos and legacy receivers. Full support for OneShot ESCs.Supports SBus, SumH, SumD, Spektrum1024/2048, XBus, PPM, PWM receivers. Built-in inverters.
Dedicated output for programmable LEDs.PWR ports for voltage and current.Sonar support for precision low-altitude position hold.Buzzer port for warnings and notifications.Barometer mounted on the bottom of the board for easy wind isolation.Configuration of the flight controller via a cross-platform GUI (Windows/OSX/Linux).Supports a variety of aircraft, tricopters, quadcopters, hexacopters, octocopters, planes and more.
Package Included:
1 X Race32
2 X 10pin cable
1 X 6pin cable
3 X 4pin cable
1 X 8pin cable
1 X 3pin cable