Mobius New Version Wide Angle Lens C2 Module

The new lens is a little more compact and has color properties very close to the prior Lens C. It has a very slightly wider HFOV and better corner sharpness than Lens C, but cannot quite match the excellent lens flare control Lens C had. But all things considered it is a better, higher quality lens that will be sold for the same price of the prior Lens C. Lens C2 will have the same latest design circuit board back plate holding the CMOS imager with the added ribbon cable clamping socket, so it cannot be retrofitted into older cases that were not designed for this new lens module style. Be sure you have the proper case design if you are retrofitting this lens on an older Mobius.
Lens C2(left) VS Lens C(right)

1. Lens C2 is shorter and more compact than Lens C and has a very slightly smaller O.D. front lens ring, so a new lens cap will be provided for it.

2. The front glass optic of Lens C2 also has a slightly larger O.D. than Lens C, with a very distinguishable clarity that will make it very easy to identify.
Brand Name: Mobius
Item Name: Lens C2
Pacakage Included:
1 x Lens Module