Weight: 11.2g
Size: 24 x 12 x 24mm
No control action width: 4usec
Recommended operating voltage: 4.8V - 6.0V
Mounting Torque: 1.8kg.cm (4.8V) 2.2kg.cm (6.0V)
Optimum temperature range: -30 to +60 Degree C
Operating speed: 0.14sec/60 (4.8V) 0.12sec/60 (6.0V)
1) 2.2 kg of torque.
2) Select 450 electric rudder machine straight.
3) Metal Gear is not easy to fight tooth and durable.
4) High temperature motors for long-term heavy load of work.
5) Use of digital control, digital control manipulation excellent sense.
6) Close to HITEC 65MG overall performance while more cost-effective.
7) Metal Gear, the world's leading tooth size riveting process, the crashes do not sweep the teeth.
8) Use of wire exit guide slot design for easy loading and unloading from a different steering angles.
9) Fully compatible futaba, JR each series gyroscope, compatibility is very good. Suitable for 450-level electric helicopter.
Pakcage include:
1 x KDS450 N290 Digital Servo