Inav F3 Deluxe 30.5x30.5mm Flight Controller Integrated with M8N GPS Compass Baro OSD

The hardware is designed for improved navigational capabilities, Based on the release Inav 1.7 firmware, include High performance M8N GPS, HMC5883L Magnetometer, BM280 Barometer, support full function navigation fpv flight. Fixed compass i2c error .
The Inav firmware is a Clean-code version of Baseflight flight-controller with improved navigational capabilities - flight controllers are used to fly multi-rotor craft and fixed wing craft.
Specification (user manual):
Flight controller:
STM32 F303 MCU, Runs Inav 1.7 firmware
SBUS/PPM input (Pin headers)
8PWM output (1-4Pinheaders and Sh1.0 Plug, 5-6 as Pin headers)
Only 36x36mm, mount holes 30.5x30.5mm
128Mb Flash(16M Byte)
Barometer BMP280
SPI Sensor MPU6000
SD Card slot
2-4S Lipo Direct power
Quick satellite searching, only need 10s to find 6 satellite in open space
Built-in compass, refresh rate up to 10GHz
Small size and light weight, weight only 18g
Size 45mm*45mm*10mm
-Support Multi-rotor and fixed wing craft
-Support Airmode/Acromode/Angle/Horizon basic FPV mode
-Support Advanced Navigation mode: NAV GPS Position hold / NAV Alt hold / NAV Return Home/ NAV Way point
-INAV OSD ready (GPS info/ Bat monitor / RSSI etc..)
-SBUS/IBUS/DSMX/PPM Receiver compatible
-LED_STRIP ready
-BLACKBOX Ready (SD Card slot)
Package include:
1x Inav F3 Deluxe flight controller integrate Inav OSD, Baro
1x HMGPS-M8N integrate HMC5883L Magnetometer
1x GPS Mounting holder