DYS SE2205 2300KV 3-5S Racing Edition Brushless Motor for 180 210 220 FPV Racer

Test Result

Note:the choose of cw or ccw on our website is the motor spinning direction. For example, if you need the motor spinning diretion is cw, and you only need choose the cw on our website,then you will get the cw motor with "R" on the surface of motor.
Brand Name: DYS
Item Name:SE2205 2300KV Brushless Motor
KV: 2300kv
Motor Size:Φ27.7×19
Shaft Diameter: 3mm
Battery: 3-5S LIPO
Max.current: 26.8A
Max.power: 428.8W
Weight: 30g
Package Included:
1x SE2205 2300KV Motor
2x Srew Nut
5x Screws (M3*5MM)
5x Screws (M3*7MM)