Cuav Pixhack Pixhawk 2.4.7 32-bit Flight Controller

Brand name:Cuav
Item name:Pixhack Pixhawk 2.4.7 32-bit Fight Contoller
Operating temperature:-5 ° C to + 55 ° C
PM sensor operating voltage :2-6S
PM sensor output voltage: 5.4V 3A
PWM OUT input supply voltage up to 9V
32 STM32F103 backup coprocessor
Frequency: 168MHZ, 256K RAM
Built-in sensor
L3GD20 3-axis digital 16 gyroscope
LSM303D 3-axis 14 accelerometer / Magnetometer
MPU6000 6-axis accelerometer / magnetometer
MS5611 precision barometer
32 bit 2M flash STM32F427 Cortex M4, with hardware floating-point unit
IMU separation design,built-in versatility of shock absorption, cushioning generally do not need to deal with aircraft
3-axis 14 accelerometer / Magnetometer,6-axis accelerometer / magnetometer,precision barometer
Package Included of Pixhack:
1 X PIXHACK flight control
1 X LED & USB expansion of small plates
1 X 8CH PPM encoder
1 X Voltage and current sensor (not welded)
1 X 8G memory card
1 X Buzzer + unlock switch expansion board
1 X Standard data transmission interface
Package Included of Pixhawk:
1 X Pixhawk Flight controller
1 X I2C expansion of small plates
1 X LED & USB expansion of small plates
1 X 8CH PPM encoder
1 X Voltage and current sensor (not welded)
1 X 8G SD card
1 X Shock mount
1 X 6P terminal plastic shell
1 X Unlock switch
1 X Buzzer