AlexMos 3-Axis Simple Brushless Gimbal Controller BGC V2.4B7 Embed Bluetooth With IMU6DOF

2.5-A peak or 1.75-A rms output current per channel
Driving Current: 1.75A max
This Brushless Gimbal Controller is fully assembled and ready to use board with latest firmware (V2.4B7)
Original Alexmos firmware, the firmware can upgrade in the future.
50 x 50 mm size with 45 x 45mm mounting hole pattern for M3 screws
Onboard micro-USB
Embed Bluetooth,you can controll it by your android phone so easy.
Atmega 328P with Alexmos Bootloader preinstalled
Controller weight: 15g
MPU6050 IMU included
Package included:
1 x 2-axis BGC V2.4B7 firmware
1 x IMU6DOF MPU6050 module
1 x Connection wire