5.8G OTG FPV Receiver UVC Capture Card Apm Pix for Android Mobile Phone

Support Windows system computer and below mobile phone model:

Item name: OTG FPV Receiver
Frequency: 150
1. Support all 5.8G transmission.Support av output, audio output, there are reserved solder joints.
2. Channel up to 150, the accuracy is 2m, 2m is the highest. 2m can lock 95 percent of the basic signal points,
which is the highest precision of the chip.Individual gap can be controlled at 10 percent
3. New function:150 frequency + automatic sweep frequency + frequency analyzer graphical interface + snow display + more simple and beautiful appearance
4. Support any flight control, any aircraft. This is a 5.8g receiver, transmit to the phone, and to the screen.Use mobile phone power supply, simplify wiring and structure.
How to detect whether the phone supports usv Receiver:
FPV software instructions:
USV2.1 the latest version of the tutorial: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTgwNTQ0OTA2MA==.html
Detection of mobile phone APP software downloads:
FPV Software APP Download:
Note: Some mobile phone interface is not the same, such as type-c interface, need to convert, remember to buy with OTG function interface.
the current test of high-pass and Samsung cpu phone to support Huawei and MTK cpu mobile phone in addition to individual high-end models all do not support the basic, Meizu phone ninety percent does not supportOppo and backgammon and some other models need to open the otg function in the settings inside to the normal link.
Note: Not include the phone and goggle
Package included:
1 x OTG receiver
Note: Not include the phone and goggle
Package included:
1 x OTG receiver